
My name is Stephanie

Throughout my twenty four year teaching career, I have taught in both mainstream and special schools, working with learners who have Specific Learning Difficulties (including dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia), Autism, ADHD, Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties, and Severe Learning Difficulties.

Many of these individuals had complex needs and conditions that required an adapted National Curriculum.

During the last seven years of my career, since working independently, I have also been supporting adults who have needed additional learning support and study skills training to help manage their studies.

I am a registered Non-Medical Helper with the DSA and provide support through Access To Work.

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Services Offered

Full Diagnostic Assessment

A face-to-face assessment followed by a substantial written report.

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Spotlight Assessment

A face to face assessment followed by a short report. NB This assessment will not diagnose dyslexia.

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Pupil Observation

In class pupil focussed observation.

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Family & School Support

Guidance and recommendations for families and school staff.

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Specialist Teaching

1:1 teaching and study skills coaching.

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Adult Learning

DSA and Access To Work registered. Support for individuals studying and in the workplace.

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Resilience Coaching

Curriculum led education and wellness experience for 9 to 18 year olds.

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We have a range of fees covering hourly sessions to block booking.

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Contact Form


3 Well End
Strixton Manor Business Centre
NN29 7PA


01933 667636


07974 378350

Email Address